Extreme Conference Sponsorship Packages
Participate in a groundbreaking type event that will encourage lively discussion and audience participation including:
Open roundtable Technical Discussions where controversial issues can be debated by those who use and those who develop the technology; Methods and Procedures crossing product lines used in the trenches; specialty products, Ask the Expert sessions and Town Hall Discussions to benefit the industry overall.
Presented by the Color Management Group
in New Orleans September 16 & 17, 2008
Event Sponsorship: Levels of Opportunity
Event Sponsor: $7,500
- Branding and advertising 6 month opportunity (May - October) Ad on ColorManagement.com website with link to product page on ColorMangement.com store, logo on sponsor section of Color Management.com website, listed as sponsor on EXTREME Color Management event Register for this event page on website(s), mention in newsletter, logo on event brochure, mention on the e-list community, mention in press release to be sent to worldwide graphic arts editors.
- Draped table in exhibit room during afternoon hours of G7 Summit, EXTREME Color Management and Day 1 of Spectrum, standard electrical outlet,1 EXTREME Color Management session pass and 1 exhibitor pass (Additional passes will be offered at a discount). Attendee List. Logo on Presentation Templates.
Setup 8am-noon on Monday, September 15.
- Participation in EXTREME Color Management program or guaranteed Invitation to sponsor in Color Management Group Annual Meeting
- Sales lead generators - post show direct mailing to Color Management Group customer list. Call to action email to master list of 10,000 end users.
- Opportunity to present your products with the provision of educational content in the form of Tips, Q&As, articles, industry news and events on the website, in the newsletter and in a post event webex.
- Company logo prominently displayed on Color Management Group and EXTREME Color Management websites with direct links to your company profile and website
Event + Reception Sponsor: $10,500
All of the Event Sponsor Benefits plus the opportunity to speak during the cocktail reception complete with a special sponsor sign
Event + Luncheon Sponsor: $10,500
All of the above Event Sponsor Benefits plus the opportunity to speak during the luncheon complete with a special Sponsor Sign
The Color Management Group will, for the first time in an open industry forum, address advanced technical issues that color management “geeks” seek to explore and discuss. In addition, this event will provide insights into the newest advances in color management tools and provide a forum for industry discussion to develop requirements for new color management guidelines and specifications to be addressed in 2009.
This new event is designed to address advanced color management topics that are not currently available at other color management venues. New color management tools and new tool capabilities will be highlighted to help color management specialists remain on the leading edge of technology. A town hall meeting where leading color management “geeks” can engage in open discussions is designed to help drive the agenda for the color management research projects of our Partner, IDEAlliance, for the upcoming year. A management track running in parallel with SPECTRUM will provide the information managers need to make decisions about implementing the very same techniques and technologies that are discussed in the technical sessions.
The event Co-Chairs are Color Management Group members Ron Ellis, of Ron Ellis Consulting and G7 Committee Chair; Bruce Bayne, President of Alder Technology, CMG Founder and creator of SpotOn! Software: Erica Aitken, President of Rods and Cones, and CMG Founder; and Jim Rich, President of Jim Rich and Associates and well known author. To date, the Planning Committee includes the Co-Chairs mentioned above as well as Lida Jalali Marschke, CMG Founder and Owner of ColorManagement.com, Dianne Kennedy, IDEAlliance VP of Publishing Technologies and David Steinhardt, President of IDEAlliance.
EXTREME Color Management will be a 1 ½ day event. It will be co-located with three other events that the Color Management Group believes will be of interest to those attending the conference including the 7™ Experts Re-certification Training, the G7™ Summit and and SPECTRUM.
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