A first time, open industry event offering an array of educational sessions that provide comprehensive technical information and insights into the newest color management techniques and technologies plus admittance to the SPECTRUM Conference Keynote and a second day track designed to provide managers with information to help them make decisions regarding implementing color management techniques and technologies.
- Technical Updates
- Methods and Procedures crossing several technologies and products
- Ask the Expert
- Town Hall Discussions to benefit industry overall
...all of this presented by the renowned Color Management Group in New Orleans September 16 & 17, 2008
EXTREME Color Management Conference to be Co-located with SPECTRUM and the G7™ Summit and G7™ Experts Re-certification Training.
The inaugural EXTREME Color Management event will span two days and include a 1 1/2-day intensive program. It will be co-located with three other events that the Color Management Group believes will be of interest to those attending EXTREME Color Management.
Reserve your room at the New Orleans Marriott for the conference.
When you make your hotel reservations please let the New Orleans Marriott know you are coming in for the EXTREME Color Management event.
New Orleans Marriott 555 Canal Street
New Orleans, LA 70130 New Orleans Marriott Web Site: neworle 1.800.654.3990 $135.00 single/$145.00 double
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