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Introductory articles and presentations
Reproduciendo El Color  Una b�sica introducci�n al color y su reproducci�n. En esta parte aprender�s c�mo percibimos el color y la luz, las propiedades del color y la mezcla de colores luz y colores impresos CMYK.
Source: progresa en color | |
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Published: 07/15/2009 |
Author: Jos� Luis Espinosa, progresa en color | |
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 Making a Process of Color  Small-shop color management.
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Type: PDF | |
Published: 10/29/2005 |
Author: Lida Marschke | |
Size: 1.2MB | |
 An Introduction to Colour Management  If you are new to colour management you may fi nd that many of the concepts and practices are overly complicated and full of twists and turns. Not only that, but there are a number of ways to explain how the process works and even more ways to put those theories into real work usage. When it comes down to it, real world usage is what it is all about, sure we can learn how Lab is a perceptual colour space that refl ects how the eyes see colour. But does that help us understand how to make our screen match our printer!
Source: Gamut | |
Type: PDF | |
Published: 08/26/2005 |
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Size: 719K | |
 Monitor Profiling and Soft-Proofing  Monitor profi ling and soft-proofi ng has reached a level of maturity were it can be implemented into almost all areas of digital imaging. Personally, I don�t understand why anyone involved in this business would dream of not using this technology. Given the choice to see on screen an accurate representation of how the document will print or to �go by the number� I know what I will choose.
Source: Gamut | |
Type: PDF | |
Published: 08/26/2005 |
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Size: 461K | |
 Photoshop CS Tips and Tricks  One of the reasons I enjoy working with Photoshop is that I can never learn all the program has too offer and I find it irresistible when I learn a faster and better way to compete a task. The latest version has a few gems that definitely will speed up those tiresome everyday jobs.
Source: Gamut | |
Type: PDF | |
Published: 08/26/2005 |
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Size: 536K | |
 Digital Proofing on a Shoestring  The Epson 4000 inkjet printer solidifies the shift of accountability into the hands of the creator. Now the digital photographer can now optimize an image and within 3 minutes acquire a sellable piece of art. The commercial digital photographer can print proofs from his or her desktop that are compatible with digital proofers costing ten times more and the graphic designer can accurately produce CMYK proofs representative of the final press run � with an optional CMYK RIP.
Source: Gamut | |
Type: PDF | |
Published: 08/26/2005 |
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Size: 555K | |
 Better Consistency with Spot Colours  I recently became aware of something so ludicrous that I have to share it with you. I always assumed that if I selected the same Pantone number, from the same Pantone library, in either Photoshop 7 or Illustrator 10, I would get the same CMYK build from both programs. This was not an incorrect assumption.
Source: Gamut | |
Type: PDF | |
Published: 08/26/2005 |
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Size: 260K | |
 Take a Bite out of Colour Correction  This white paper takes the art of colour correction a step further, giving you the control to colour correct any image.
Source: Gamut | |
Type: PDF | |
Published: 08/26/2005 |
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Size: 664K | |
 Setting up an Accurate Colour Management Workflow  Today�s digital sympathizers are faced with the challenge of wearing many different hats. Not only are they responsible for scanning, digital capture, colour correction, RGB to CMYK separations, colour management, in-house proofing but also content creation. In this article we are going to explore some of the things that can make this job a bit easier. So what steps can we take to ensure that the images we work with are going to reproduce as we had hoped?
Source: Gamut | |
Type: PDF | |
Published: 08/26/2005 |
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Size: 2.2MB | |
 Guidelines for Submission of Digital Files for Reproduction  The goal of this document is to develop a set of specifications for use by creative professionals to include photographers and graphic designers. These specifications will allow for maximum reproduction print quality while expediting the production workflow. The digital specifications for image submission will address relevant key issues including size, effective file viewing, resolution, sharpening, compression, colour space options and digital proofs.
Source: Gamut | |
Type: PDF | |
Published: 02/08/2005 |
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Size: 509K | |
 RGB to CMYK Procedures  With the proliferation of RGB images now being sent to prepress shops and printers it is essential that we establish some basic procedures for converting from the RGB colour space to the CMYK colour space. Colour Management has an inordinate number of options available to retain the appearance and faithfulness of an image as it moves through the workflow. The goal of this article is to outline the three fundamental steps necessary to ensuring the image is converted accurately.
Source: Gamut | |
Type: PDF | |
Published: 02/08/2005 |
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Size: 653K | |
 Introduction to an ICC profile A detailed introduction to ICC profiles from the ICC organization.
Source: | |
Type: Website | |
Published: 11/23/2003 |
Author: International Color Consortium | |
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 Slide presentation about ICC profiles A slide presentation about ICC color managed workflows from the ICC organization. Available as PowerPoint of PDF download.
Source: | |
Type: PDF | |
Published: 11/23/2003 |
Author: International Color Consortium | |
Size: 2.7MB | |

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